Anyways, in our Scripture reading today that was a common question of Jesus.
A crowd gathered at a Pharisees house asked, "Who is this...?" after Jesus pronounced a woman's sins forgiven (Luke 7:49)
In the next chapter, same question comes from the disciples, "Who is this?" (Luke 8:25)
Then, even Jesus asks his disciples this question, "Who do you say I am? (Luke 9:20)
The Bible reveals many answers to that question. Here's a small sample:
Christ. The Lamb of God. Savior of the world. Master. Servant.
King. High Priest. Prophet. Son of God. Judge...................
We are just like the disciples...they were with Jesus, saw the miracles, amazed and awed but somehow they still didn't get that time. The revelation did come just as it comes today when we get to say "I get it now" GK